var nodeList = new Array();nodeList[0] = "main"; nodeList[1] = "add"; nodeList[2] = "subtract"; nodeList[3] = "multiply"; nodeList[4] = "divide"; nodeList[5] = "reciprocal"; nodeList[6] = "power"; nodeList[7] = "sqrt"; nodeList[8] = "log"; nodeList[9] = "min"; nodeList[10] = "max"; nodeList[11] = "abs"; nodeList[12] = "sign"; nodeList[13] = "ceil"; nodeList[14] = "round"; nodeList[15] = "floor"; nodeList[16] = "trunc"; nodeList[17] = "step (a <= b)"; nodeList[18] = "smoothstep"; nodeList[19] = "if"; nodeList[20] = "frac"; nodeList[21] = "fmod"; nodeList[22] = "clamp"; nodeList[23] = "clamp (simple)"; nodeList[24] = "clamp 0-1"; nodeList[25] = "lerp"; nodeList[26] = "lerp (simple)"; nodeList[27] = "inverselerp"; nodeList[28] = "posterize"; nodeList[29] = "blend"; nodeList[30] = "remap"; nodeList[31] = "remap (simple)"; nodeList[32] = "noise"; nodeList[33] = "one minus"; nodeList[34] = "negate"; nodeList[35] = "exp"; nodeList[36] = "hue"; nodeList[37] = "hsv to rgb"; nodeList[38] = "rgb to hsv"; nodeList[39] = "value"; nodeList[40] = "vector 2"; nodeList[41] = "vector 3"; nodeList[42] = "vector 4"; nodeList[43] = "texture 2d"; nodeList[44] = "texture asset"; nodeList[45] = "value (property)"; nodeList[46] = "vector 4 (property)"; nodeList[47] = "color"; nodeList[48] = "cubemap"; nodeList[49] = "slider"; nodeList[50] = "switch"; nodeList[51] = "toggle"; nodeList[52] = "dot product"; nodeList[53] = "cross product"; nodeList[54] = "reflect"; nodeList[55] = "normalize"; nodeList[56] = "append"; nodeList[57] = "component mask"; nodeList[58] = "desaturate"; nodeList[59] = "channel blend"; nodeList[60] = "normal blend"; nodeList[61] = "distance"; nodeList[62] = "length"; nodeList[63] = "transform"; nodeList[64] = "vector projection"; nodeList[65] = "vector rejection"; nodeList[66] = "ddx"; nodeList[67] = "ddy"; nodeList[68] = "ddxy"; nodeList[69] = "panner"; nodeList[70] = "rotator"; nodeList[71] = "parallax"; nodeList[72] = "uv tile"; nodeList[73] = "uv coordinates"; nodeList[74] = "object position"; nodeList[75] = "object scale"; nodeList[76] = "screen position"; nodeList[77] = "world position"; nodeList[78] = "vertex color"; nodeList[79] = "fresnel"; nodeList[80] = "normal direction"; nodeList[81] = "bitangent direction"; nodeList[82] = "tangent direction"; nodeList[83] = "view direction"; nodeList[84] = "view reflection"; nodeList[85] = "face sign"; nodeList[86] = "light color"; nodeList[87] = "light attenuation"; nodeList[88] = "ambient light"; nodeList[89] = "light direction"; nodeList[90] = "half direction"; nodeList[91] = "light position"; nodeList[92] = "time"; nodeList[93] = "view position"; nodeList[94] = "projection parameters"; nodeList[95] = "screen parameters"; nodeList[96] = "pixel size"; nodeList[97] = "fog color"; nodeList[98] = "scene color"; nodeList[99] = "scene depth"; nodeList[100] = "depth blend"; nodeList[101] = "depth"; nodeList[102] = "pi"; nodeList[103] = "tau"; nodeList[104] = "phi (golden ratio)"; nodeList[105] = "root 2"; nodeList[106] = "e (euler's constant)"; nodeList[107] = "sin"; nodeList[108] = "cos"; nodeList[109] = "tan"; nodeList[110] = "arcsin"; nodeList[111] = "arccos"; nodeList[112] = "arctan"; nodeList[113] = "arctan2"; nodeList[114] = "matrix 4x4"; nodeList[115] = "matrix 4x4 property"; nodeList[116] = "multiply matrix"; nodeList[117] = "transpose"; nodeList[118] = "code"; nodeList[119] = "relay"; nodeList[120] = "set"; nodeList[121] = "get"; function scrollTo(hash) { location.hash = "#" + hash; } function OnUpdateSearchField(){ var searchString = document.getElementsByName("searchfield")[0].value.toLowerCase().trim(); searchString = searchString.replace(/\s+/g, ''); var alwaysShow = true; if(searchString.length > 0) alwaysShow = false; var matchedAny = false; for(var i=0;i Shader Forge
“It turns the dark and strange arts of shader programming into something understandable and non-evil”
Nicklas 'Nifflas' Nygren, developer of the Knytt series

The ultimate visual node-based shader editor for Unity
Shader Forge is aiming to push the visual quality of Unity to new heights,
giving you the freedom of shader creation in a visual and intuitive way - with no code required!

• Real-time shader preview for tight iteration times
• Visual & intuitive interface
Energy conserving physically based lighting, Blinn-Phong or Phong
Image based lighting; perfect together with Marmoset Skyshop
Vertex animation
DX11 Tessellation & Displacement

• Unity Free and Pro
• No extra files - just the .shader file itself
• Extensive node documentation, with tutorials coming soon
• 10 example shaders included, that you can open, edit, and use freely
• Custom lighting support, if you want to get creative or technical
• Outline width and color
• ...and much more not listed here!

Diffuse Power
Light Wrapping
Diffuse Ambient Light
Specular Ambient Light
Custom Lighting
Alpha Clip
Outline Width
Outline Color
Vertex Offset
DX11 Displacement
DX11 Tessellation
Not listed: Diffuse Ambient Occlusion & Specular Ambient Occlusion